How to shoot your audition videos | Detailed Instructions
VERY IMPORTANT : Please shoot your videos in proper lighting, preferably in front of a window so that day light is coming in through the window and your face is well lit. Please see the photo given here for reference.
You can shoot with your mobile phone or a camera.
Do not put any effects on the videos.
Detailed information for each video.
Dancing Video:
a. Choose a Song: Select a song that showcases your dancing skills and complements your style.
b. Frame: You can shoot the dance video outside. Make sure the camera angle captures your entire body and to pick a clutter free background.
c. Lighting : Daylight outdoor video, no lighting needed.
d. Record: Set up the camera at eye level and ensure it is stable, use a tripod preferably.
e. Dress Up: Wear something that allows freedom of movement and that showcases your style.
Singing/Rap Video:
a. Select a Song: Choose a song that showcases your vocal range, style and abilities.
b. Frame: Find a quiet and acoustically favourable environment to record your vocals. Upper body and face should be clearly visible.
c. Lighting : Shoot in front of a window. Your face should be well lit.
d. Accompaniment: Decide whether you want to sing acapella or with instrumental accompaniment. Use a karaoke track from YouTube or play your own instrument if applicable.
Profile Introduction Video: (Reference video :
a. Frame: Upper body waist up, well lit.
b. Lightning: Shoot in front of a window, face should be well lit.
c. Introduce Yourself: Start the video by stating your name and where you're from.
d. Share Personal Information: Mention your age and height in feet and inches.
e. Show your profiles : Turn left and then right to show both your profiles clearly. See the reference video linked above for clarity.
This is the most crucial part of your audition. We will be needing 3 videos from you.
1. Dance Audition
2. Singing/Rap Audition
3. Profile and Introduction Video
You can upload the video to YouTube or Google drive and share all 3 links on the audition form respectively.
Most importantly, Be yourself 💛
Thank you so much! We are looking forward to your videos and can't wait to see what you've got!